Legislative Council: Thursday, March 06, 2025


South Australia Police

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD (14:22): Does the Attorney accept that in the last year of the Labor government's budget, 2017-18, $832 million was spent on the South Australian police department, and that in the year 2021-22 just over $1 billion— or $1.38 billion—was spent in the last year of the Liberal government, exactly—

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Order! Just hang on, the Hon. Mr Dennis Hood. The Hon. Mr Hunter, I can't rule on this if I cannot actually hear what the supplementary question is, and you are drowning out the member. The Hon. Dennis Hood, have you finished your supplementary question?

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD: I would like to start again, sir, so that it is clear.

The PRESIDENT: I want to be able to hear it before I can rule on it. It has to be arising from the answer, you know that.

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD: Yes, sir. My question is: does the Attorney-General accept that in the last year of the Labor government, as shown in the 2017-18 Budget Statements, the Labor government spent $832 million on the South Australian police force, and that in the last year of the Liberal government, as shown in the 2022-23 Budget Statements, the Liberal party, whilst in government, spent over $1 billion—or $1.38 billion—on the South Australian police department?

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Dennis Hood, the reality is that the minister, in his answer, never touched on what the Liberal Party spent at all, so I can't rule that—

The Hon. H.M. Girolamo interjecting:


The Hon. H.M. Girolamo: He should be retracting what he said yesterday, because he knows it is completely incorrect.

The PRESIDENT: Order! It's not a supplementary question, the Hon. Dennis Hood.

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD: Point of order: he did mention what the Labor government spent.

The PRESIDENT: Yes, but your supplementary question was about what the Liberal Party spent.

The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD: And what the Labor government spent.

The PRESIDENT: I have made my ruling. The honourable Deputy Leader of the Opposition, your next question.