Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Disability Motor Driver Training
In reply to the Hon. B.R. HOOD ().26 September 2024).
The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Autism, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing): The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport has advised:
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the department) is aware of the challenges that can be faced by neurodivergent individuals when learning to drive and undertaking a driving test. The department advises there will be a focus on developing a training and assessment program that ensures that all drivers, including autistic individuals and people with disability or other medical conditions, have access to the opportunity to obtain a driver's licence.
The department advises that feedback from driving instructors on neurodivergent learner drivers will be taken into consideration when developing the training and assessment framework under these important reforms.
Since the passage of the bill, the department has formed a consultation committee including the Office for Autism about the proposed changes to driver training and impacts for autistic people. The department and the Office for Autism will identify measures that ensure the new government testing service is accessible and inclusive for autistic people.