Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Personal Explanation
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Lee, Hon. J.S.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (15:18): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Deputy Leader of the Opposition on the topic of her personal statement.
Leave granted.
The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: The Deputy Leader of the Opposition rose today to make a personal explanation, in which she advised the chamber of her feelings in regard to the debate during last Wednesday's sitting and the discussion and debate around the Hon. Ben Hood's bill on abortion. The honourable member in her statement said that a number of complaints have been raised with you, Mr President, and I think you outed me as being one of those people, in your statement to the chamber, in the complaint that I raised with you about the behaviour of a Ms Howe.
In consideration of those complaints that have been raised with you, I believe it is now incumbent on you to consider also the details laid before the chamber in the Hon. Jing Lee's personal statement. It is, however, going to be difficult for you if that is the only information you rely on. It is incumbent on Ms Jing Lee to assist you by naming the person who caused her to be so vulnerable and so unsafe in her workplace—that person from outside the chamber. My question to the Hon. Jing Lee is: who was that person who intimidated you so, to make you feel unsafe and vulnerable at your place of work?
The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Lee, would you choose to answer the question? No.