Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Human Rights Legislation

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. R.A. Simms:

That this council—

1. Notes with concern that in May 2023 a bill was introduced into the House of Assembly and passed the third reading stage within 22 minutes without:

(a) public scrutiny of the bill;

(b) consultation with relevant stakeholders; and

(c) consideration for the impacts on human rights.

2. Recognises that a human rights charter can:

(a) articulate a set of common values and principles that define and preserve our modern democracy;

(b) address inequality and discrimination and lack of access to fundamental services;

(c) clearly define the expectations we have of each other and our state institutions; and

(d) improve the quality and effectiveness of government decision-making.

3. Acknowledges human rights legislation has been adopted in Queensland, Victoria and the ACT.

4. Urges the government to begin consultation on how human rights legislation could be implemented in South Australia.

(Continued from 31 May 2023.)

The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (22:57): I move:

That this order of the day be discharged.

Motion carried; order of the day discharged.