Legislative Council: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


South Australian Youth Forum

Orders of the Day, Private Business, No. 156: Hon. R.A. Simms to move:

That this Council—

1. Recognises the contribution of the South Australian Youth Forum which was created in 2021 to provide a platform for young people aged 15-18 years to engage, discuss and debate issues that directly affect them.

2. Commends the Youth Forum on the publication of the 2022 South Australian Youth Forum Annual Report.

3. Notes the report contains positive actions to enhance the lives of young people in the areas of:

(a) climate change;

(b) gender equality;

(c) indigenous education;

(d) mental health;

(e) environmental education;

(f) consent education;

(g) relationship dynamics between teachers and students;

(h) sexual violence; and

(i) civics education.

The Hon. R.A. SIMMS (22:58): I move:

That this order of the day be discharged.

Motion carried; order of the day discharged.