Legislative Council: Tuesday, May 14, 2024


South-East Rock Lobster Industry

The Hon. B.R. HOOD (15:10): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Primary Industries on the topic of rock lobster.

Leave granted.

The Hon. B.R. HOOD: According to regulations governing rock lobster fishing, recreational fishers are required to clip the tail fan of southern rock lobsters in half to a recognisable straight line before landing. The Kingston SE Recreational Fishers Association, representing over 200 members, is concerned that tail trimming, as prescribed, is excessive and may contribute to pain, bleeding and consequently spoiling of the cooked flesh of the lobster. While not being against the practice overall, they suggest a 20 per cent cut would achieve the desired identification required to differentiate it from a commercial catch without pain or blood loss. My questions to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development are:

1. Is the minister aware of this issue, and does she share the concerns of the Kingston SE fishers?

2. Will she consider amending the rock lobster regulations as a result of their advocacy?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (15:11): I thank the honourable member for his question. To my knowledge, that particular issue hasn't been raised with me. If it has been sent to me in correspondence, that correspondence hasn't as yet come across my desk. In terms of decisions that are made in regard to what requirements are put on seafood—in the case of this particular question, rock lobster—we are always informed by the best knowledge and the best science that is available. If it has been a request that has been made to the department, I will certainly seek a briefing on that and what information is available and what may or may not be recommended to me.