Legislative Council: Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Ag Town of the Year

The Hon. J.E. HANSON (15:00): My question is to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development. Will she inform the chamber of the key dates for the Agricultural Town of the Year 2024 process?

The Hon. K.J. Maher: I like this one. I'm very interested.

The PRESIDENT: Order! Attorney, do you want to answer the question?

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Order! The Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development will answer the question.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (15:01): I am delighted to answer the question about the Ag Town of the Year. The state government, through the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA), is pleased to once again run the Agricultural Town of the Year Award. Established in 2019, the Agricultural Town of the Year Award recognises South Australian towns that are excelling in agricultural practices and the flow-on effects to a township and the community. The award highlights the vital role that agriculture plays in the regional landscape, being the backbone of regional communities.

Entering the award provides regional communities the opportunity to reflect on their contributions to South Australia's primary industries and regional development and also public recognition of their town and of their town's contribution. The award will be delivered by Solstice Media and is aligned with the Regional Showcase Awards program, which shines a spotlight on regional South Australia by uncovering and showcasing success stories, and this is a Solstice Media initiative.

Any regional town in South Australia can be nominated. Past ag town winners include Cleve, Pinnaroo, Kimba, Mypolonga and, last year's winner, Wudinna. It didn't escape attention last week, when we were in Port Lincoln for country cabinet, that there had been such a strong showing from Eyre Peninsula in terms of winners of the Ag Town of the Year. Wudinna took out the coveted award in recognition last year of the town's leadership in the agriculture sector, including in agricultural education for local children and young people and for its current and relevant farmer-driven research and development.

Public nominations are made through an online form, requiring an answer to the question: how has the nominated town and agriculture community helped grow primary industries to drive regional development? The top 10 towns, according to a public vote, are then invited to submit a written application that details their commitment to agriculture and primary industries. A judging panel assesses the submissions and selects three finalists. The judges will then make their way to each town and will select a winner that is announced as a Regional Showcase Awards celebration event in October. The winning town will receive recognition as the South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year, as well as:

a sign for the town entrance, recognising their achievement;

presentation of a certificate and trophy;

a community event and sign unveiling;

very valuably, a double-page feature in SALIFE magazine in February 2025;

media exposure;

stories and videos to showcase the achievement of individuals and businesses that have made a significant contribution to the town; and

networking opportunities with other regional towns.

The awards process includes multiple phases that take place between May and October 2024, and the key dates include:

town nominations. This phase opened yesterday on 13 May and will close on 5 June;

public voting, to open on 11 June and close on 27 June;

the top 10 towns being announced on 2 July;

the three finalist towns being announced on 12 August;

the judging panel then visiting the three finalist towns in September; and

the winner being announced at the Regional Showcase Awards celebration event in October.

Importantly, for the purpose of this award, agriculture refers to all primary industries, so field crops, horticulture, meat and livestock, dairy, grape and wine, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture. A town's involvement in agriculture is not limited simply to the farmers but includes the wider community that supports the industry, including shops, service providers and community activities.

Our regional towns deserve to be celebrated for all their hard work, their resilience and community spirit, and that is exactly what this award does. Let's shine a light on our fantastic agricultural towns and celebrate their achievements, whilst also providing a platform where communities can learn from each other. Nominations can be made at www.agtown.com.au.