Legislative Council: Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Eyre Peninsula Water Supply

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (14:43): Supplementary question: did the minister meet with Yumbah Aquaculture to discuss their concerns about the EP desal plant at Billy Lights Point, and is the minister advocating for a change of site as per the site selection committee recommendations?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:44): I thank the honourable member for her question. One of the other meetings that I had was with the seafood industry. There were a number of attendees at that. In terms of the desal plant, Minister Champion, who now has responsibility for SA Water, held a forum the night before in regard to the desal plant. I understand that was also very well attended and that there were multiple questions that were asked.

I think the key point that came through in a number of forums that I was at—and I would expect at that forum also on the Wednesday night with Minister Champion—is that the can has been kicked down the road in terms of water supply for Eyre Peninsula, for Port Lincoln. The former minister in the previous government, the now opposition leader, the Hon. David Speirs, wouldn't make a decision. He kicked the can down the road yet again, with the result, with the impact, that those in that region are now very likely to have to have water restrictions.

The area is at risk of running out of drinking water, and yet those opposite did nothing in their time. They kicked the can down the road for another four years, and now a decision needs to be made.