Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 07, 2023


Snapper Stock

201 The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK ().1 December 2022).

1. What does research from SARDI show about the state of snapper stocks from the Far West Coast?

2. Will the minister publish data from SARDI and PIRSA relating to snapper stocks from the Far West Coast?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): I am advised:

Snapper populations from the West Coast of Eyre Peninsula and Spencer Gulf are considered part of the same stockā€”the Spencer Gulf/West Coast Stock. SARDI has determined, in their latest snapper assessment report released in November, that this stock is depleted. The data used to inform the status of South Australia's snapper stocks is published in the stock assessment report, which is publicly available on the PIRSA website.