Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Project EnergyConnect
In reply to the Hon. M.C. PARNELL (18 March 2021).
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Minister for Energy and Mining has advised:
All the Project EnergyConnect Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) chapters for the Robertstown to SA / NSW border are complete and have now been lodged by ElectraNet for adequacy review against the EIS guidelines (guidelines) gazetted by the State Planning Commission on 27 September 2019. The guidelines were prepared by the state government in line with the commonwealth government's requirement for assessment of Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act matters. The South Australian Minister for Planning and Local Government is expected to release the EIS for public consultation in the next few months.
In regard to the route, the selection methodology developed by ElectraNet and TransGrid, together with a number of specialists, was reviewed and endorsed by the Project EnergyConnect steering committee, which includes representatives from the following government departments: SA Department for Energy and Mining, SA Environment Protection Authority, SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport, SA Planning and Land Use Services, SA Department for Environment and Water, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, and Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. It was also presented to key stakeholders for feedback.
The Project EnergyConnect steering committee has actively encouraged ElectraNet to evaluate various route alternatives. After identifying an initial investigation corridor, ElectraNet considered detailed alternative route options within that refined investigation corridor. The committee has actively engaged on ecological sensitivity, particularly in regard to Calperum and Taylorville Stations which were traversed by the investigation corridor.
Alternative route options as part of the detailed multi-criteria analysis process were identified based on local constraints and opportunities, and evaluated with regard to engineering, ecology, cultural heritage, visual, land access and compensation, stakeholder concerns, project cost and schedule impacts.
The results of the analyses have been presented by ElectraNet to the relevant district councils, Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland, and the public via extensive engagement activities including community drop-in sessions and an interactive mapping portal and the Project EnergyConnect website.
A preferred route alignment was tested with landholders and government with subsequent refinements made to this alignment based on ecological and cultural heritage inputs throughout 2020. The Australian Landscape Trust was a key stakeholder during this testing process and following feedback ElectraNet made route amendments to skirt the southern and eastern boundaries of Calperum Station and the southern boundary of Taylorville Station. The result of this extensive engagement is the proposed route alignment that is to be assessed in the EIS.