Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Waite Gatehouse
In reply to the Hon. F. PANGALLO (16 March 2021).
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport has advised:
1. The state government entered into a confidentiality agreement with Mammoth Movers in May 2020 in relation to their initial quotation, which included costings. The confidentiality agreement contains clauses to the effect that no information is to be disclosed to any person except as required to carry out the project and then only on a confidential basis.
2. The updated quotation from Mammoth Movers included the initial confidentiality agreement entered as part of the initial quotation.
The $3.6 million (GST inclusive) estimated for the relocation of the Urrbrae gatehouse included the updated quotation from Mammoth Movers, of which these specific details cannot be disclosed due to the aforementioned confidentiality agreement. The $3.6 million (GST inclusive) also included costings, not forming part of the updated quotation relating to works such as the installation of new services to the building, design and management fees, landscaping works around the building and an appropriate contingency.
On 22 January 2021, Mammoth Movers were advised of these costings and acknowledged the $3.6 million (GST inclusive) estimate.
3. On 15 March 2021, the state government announced it had reached an agreement with the University of Adelaide to decommission, rebuild and repurpose the Urrbrae gatehouse.
The $2.5 million (GST inclusive) estimated to undertake these works, is based on a like for like relocation of elements with significant heritage value including chimneys, roofing, windows and stonework. Any items damaged during the rebuild will be expected to be replaced like for like or replicated to a standard accepted by Heritage SA. This will form part of the contract to undertake the works, which will be procured by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).
The University of Adelaide has advised that it is intending to use the relocated building as a workspace, meeting and gathering space, for volunteers who maintain the arboretum and Urrbrae House gardens. Therefore, the relocated building's interior will be furnished for use as offices, meeting rooms, and amenities, to ensure it is fit for purpose both now and into the future.
DIT will continue to work collaboratively with the University of Adelaide to deliver this outcome.