Legislative Council: Tuesday, March 02, 2021


Development Application Register

In reply to the Hon. M.C. PARNELL (16 February 2021).

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Attorney-General has advised:

1. The PlanSA portal covers a wide range of planning services and information for the community, industry and planning practitioners. Each day there are 1450 unique users accessing the PlanSA portal comprising of approximately 245 individual web pages.

The matter arising was in relation to the IT security certificate, which is largely an administrative process, and in no way compromises the security of the PlanSA portal. The issue was rectified on 17 February 2021.

2. The PlanSA website was updated on 17 February 2021 to record the details of the five new proposals called-in by the State Coordinator-General since 7 January 2021. This brings the total amount of call-ins since commencement of the call-in process being 145 (up from 140), to a total estimated cost of $3.942 billion.

The State Coordinator-General call-in process has not been carried over into the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and will be repealed with the commencement of the Planning and Design Code.