Parliamentary Procedure
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Planning and Design Code
In reply to the Hon. M.C. PARNELL (2 February 2021).
The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The Attorney-General as the Minister for Planning has advised:
1. During the additional six-week period of public consultation (conducted from 4 November 2020 to 18 December 2020), a total of 578 submissions were received.
2. The State Planning Commission (commission) has already released a series of 'What we have heard reports' and 'Engagement reports' that outline the changes made to the Planning and Design Code (code) following consultation on phase 1 (outback areas) and phase 2 (rural areas). An interim report was also released following the first round of consultation on phase 3 (urban areas). These reports are publicly available on the PlanSA website.
The remaining changes to the code in response to the further six weeks of consultation on phase 3 (urban areas) will be incorporated into the final engagement report on the entirety of the phase 3 code changes.
Pursuant to section 73(7) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016(the act), the commission must then furnish a copy of the engagement report to the minister for her consideration prior to the adoption of the code.
3. The actstates that within five business days after taking action under section 73(10)(c) of the act, the minister must publish on the SA Planning Portal (PlanSA) a copy of any final advice furnished to the minister by the State Planning Commission for the purposes of section 73 of the act (being the engagement report).
As the minister has announced that the date for implementation of the new planning system is 19 March 2021, the window in which the engagement report must be made public is between 15 and 26 March 2021, which is five working days either side of the implementation date.
This is consistent with the information that is currently provided on the website that the engagement report will be made public in the first quarter of 2021.