Legislative Council: Thursday, June 06, 2019


Scissor Lifts

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:13): In the absence of either spotters or standards, has there been any work to at least ensure that on a particular worksite the same controls are consistent for that worksite?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:14): The audit to which I have referred, I think in the first question from the Hon. Ms Franks some time ago, and I think the Hon. Mr Pangallo referred to that answer in part, that is, there is an audit that has been conducted. A number of improvement notices and prohibition notices have been issued. I don't know the details of each and every one of those. It was a significant number, and I think the Hon. Mr Pangallo repeated the number. I put that on the record earlier, so it is not new information. But what the precise detail of each and every one of those either improvement notices or prohibition notices related to, I am not aware of the detail of each and every one of those.