Legislative Council: Thursday, June 06, 2019


Mental Health Services

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:49): A further supplementary, despite the previous one not being answered.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Scriven, don't learn bad habits from this. Just ask the supplementary.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: I beg your pardon; I do apologise, Mr President. If the only way that homeless people can transition to the NDIS is by accessing support to do so by these programs that have now been cut, how will they be able to access the help they need to even apply for the NDIS?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:49): The honourable member doesn't even understand how the NDIS works, because there was a split between existing providers and the way that people access the NDIS. That was a quite deliberate policy decision by the government in terms of holding a longstanding view that existing providers have a conflict of interest. The simple matter is that people don't access the NDIS by their current service providers; they go to the agency and they go to the local area coordinators.

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Ms Scriven, this is probably the last supplementary. I am keen to get on.