Legislative Council: Thursday, June 06, 2019


Question Time

Brand South Australia

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:17): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment regarding Brand SA.

Leave granted.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: Yesterday, a letter from the chair of Brand SA, Mr Peter Joy, addressed to the Speaker of the House of Assembly and copied to the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition, was tabled by the Hon. Emily Bourke. It was received by the opposition at approximately 11.30 yesterday morning, 5 June 2019. The letter sets out a clear time line of events and circumstances in relation to the cut in funding to Brand SA that has now been revealed. What we have learnt from that letter is that, on 8 May 2009, Mr Jim McDowell, head of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and acting chief executive of the minister's own department, the Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment, advised Peter Joy, the chair of Brand SA, that funding had been cut.

It is important to note here that, in response to a question at 3.14pm the week previous, the minister claimed that he did not know about that conversation and put on the parliamentary record yesterday, 'I'm not aware when he speaks,' in relation to Mr Jim McDowell. The minister has put on record that he is not aware when his own acting chief executive of his department speaks to others about major funding cuts that have huge ramifications for his portfolio. The minister may wish to reflect on the accuracy of the statement he gave yesterday, particularly as there are now more than 10 separate FOIs that have been lodged on this matter.

We learnt from the letter that one week later, on the evening of 15 May 2019, the minister had a conversation with the CEO of Brand SA, at which time it was agreed that nothing would be said about the funding cuts until such time as the minister had had a meeting with the Premier, scheduled for 4.30 the next day, 16 May 2019. Then, at 12.14pm the next day, 16 May 2019, the chair of Brand SA received an email from the Premier with a letter confirming that Brand SA's funding had in fact been cut. A little over two hours later on that day, Thursday 16 May, the minister was asked in question time about cuts to Brand SA and the minister feigned ignorance and said that nothing would be revealed until 18 June 2019.

So the minister talks to the CEO of Brand SA on a Wednesday night, and the minister says he has a meeting lined up with the Premier at 4.30 the next day. In the meantime, at 12.14 the next day the Premier emails a letter confirming that Brand SA will have its funding cut. The obvious question that arises here is: did the minister know about the 12.14 email from the Premier before the minister went into question time that day? The minister cannot rely on the glib answer that he refers to his previous comments because he has not been asked about his specific knowledge or otherwise of the Premier's 12.14 email. I don't think anyone in this chamber or reporting on parliament would accept—

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, you have asked your question and you have given your facts. Are there any more facts you want to put on, rather than arguing?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: My question to the minister simply is: was the minister aware of the Premier's email of 12.14 on 16 May informing the chair of Brand SA that funding had been cut prior to the minister walking into question time that day?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:20): No.

The PRESIDENT: Do you have a supplementary?