Legislative Council: Thursday, May 16, 2019


Question Time

Public Transport

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:20): My questions are to the Treasurer. How long has the Treasurer known about the Minister for Transport, Stephan Knoll's, previously secret plan to privatise our rail network? Given the crises plaguing infrastructure projects around the state, does the Treasurer really think that that junior minister is up to the job of carrying out the government's previously secret plan for privatising the rail network? Finally, given that the junior Minister for Infrastructure touts himself as a future treasurer, will the current Treasurer rule out staying on beyond the 2022 state election even if the Premier attempted to convince him to do so?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:20): I would have thought the Leader of the Opposition should have been adult enough to refer to ministers and members of another chamber by their correct title. There is no title 'junior minister' as it refers to minister Stephan Knoll.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: Exactly. I will let that one slip through to the keeper. Can I say—and I know I would speak on behalf of all my cabinet colleagues and parliamentary colleagues—we have enormous confidence in minister Stephan Knoll.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Has the opposition bench finished? The Treasurer is keen to inform you.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: Thank you. We have enormous confidence in minister Stephan Knoll. Frankly, Mr President, he would play the lot of them on a break. As someone who has worked very closely with minister Stephan Knoll over the period in government and also the period in opposition, he is a man and a minister of enormous talent, who enjoys the support not only of myself and the Premier but indeed of his parliamentary colleagues.

There is no plan, decision or otherwise in relation to the privatisation. There has been no decision in relation to—

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: Leader of the Opposition, I am not going to give you supplementaries if you are going to choose to shout them.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: I will endeavour to answer the Leader of the Opposition's questions. The minister has indicated, supported by the Premier, that all options are on the table in terms of trying to deliver a much more efficient and productive public transport system, and the Premier and the minister have said, as indeed some other ministers have said in relation to questions, that they are not going to play the rule in or rule out game. That is a game for oppositions, and good luck to the current opposition in playing that particular game. They can have as much fun as they wish in relation to playing that game.

The government will, in due course, make decisions in relation to a productive and efficient public transport system, and when those propositions come to the cabinet, we will address the particular issues at that stage. As the Premier and the minister have indicated, there has been no decision taken in relation to the future shape and structure of the delivery of our public transport system at this particular stage.

Finally, in relation to the very kind invitation of the Leader of the Opposition for me to continue after the next election, I have indicated publicly that, no matter who might ask, my position is quite clear: I am here for just under three more years and that will be the end of me.