Legislative Council: Thursday, May 16, 2019


Hibbert Review

In reply to the Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (26 February 2019).

The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing): I have been advised:

1. All deaths that occur in the attendance of medical practitioners are reported to the Coroner. In the case of SA Ambulance Service (SAAS), SAPOL attend all cases where a death has occurred as the Coroner's agent. In line with standard practice, each of the nine deaths that were examined as part of the Hibbert report, were reported to the Coroner at the time.

2. Under section 28 of the Coroners Act 2003 (SA), any person who becomes aware of a death that is or may be a reportable death is required to immediately 'notify the state Coroner or (except in the case of a death in custody) a police officer of the death unless the person believes on reasonable grounds that the death has already been reported, or that the state Coroner is otherwise aware of the death.

When the Coroner's Court, as part of its findings of an inquest into a death in custody, includes a recommendation directed to me as Minister for Health and Wellbeing or directed to an agency or instrumentality of the Crown for which I am responsible, then under section 25 of the act, I have a responsibility to lay before each house of parliament, within the prescribed timeframe, a report detailing 'any action taken or proposed to be taken' in response to the recommendation.