Legislative Council: Thursday, May 16, 2019


SA Power Networks

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (15:16): Yes, but also I would just like to clarify something the Treasurer said. I wasn't inferring that there was a cosy arrangement between the regulator and SA Power Networks, I was actually referring to the arrangement it has actually managed to negotiate in terms of being able to come to these arrangements. The supplementary I have is: is the Treasurer aware that his own minister, the Hon. Dan van Holst Pellekaan, conceded on radio today that they will not be able to meet their election promise of reducing power bills by the amount of money that was—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:17): No, I am not aware of any statements the honourable minister has made on morning radio to that particular effect, but I am happy to take that on notice and bring back a reply if that's required. Can I just—

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: This is not a conversation. Treasurer, do you have anything more to say?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: Yes, I do, but I am just waiting for the interjections to stop. Returning to the first part of the honourable member's supplementary question: I am not sure if he is not indicating there is a cosy relationship between the regulator and SA Power Networks. I am not sure between which bodies there would be a cosy relationship because these decisions are taken by (a) an application from the company, which is SA Power Networks, and the regulator, which is the independent regulator. They are the two bodies that make this particular decision. One makes an application, the other one makes a decision.

So the reference to a cosy relationship, if the member, on reflection, wants to indicate which other body he is referring had a cosy relationship, I am happy to seek further clarification. But this decision was an application from a company to an independent regulator. The independent regulator made that particular decision.