Legislative Council: Thursday, December 06, 2018


Adelaide Parklands

In reply to the Hon. M.C. PARNELL (18 October 2018).

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment): The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government has provided the following advice:

The old Royal Adelaide Hospital site

The use of the site as a hospital ceased on 5 September 2017. The Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 requires the report for a change of use to be tabled within 18 months of the current use ceasing. A report outlining the future vision for the site as an innovation and creation neighbourhood will be tabled before 5 March 2019.

Adelaide Festival Plaza precinct (inclusive of SkyCity Casino and Walker Corporation developments)

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) previously advised that it would seek assistance and advice from Renewal SA on the preparation of section 23 reports on the redevelopment of the Casino and the Festival Plaza at the appropriate time.

I have been advised that the land in question continues to be required for its existing uses, which form an essential and ongoing part of the redevelopment, hence there is no requirement to report to parliament pursuant to section 23 of the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005.

The new CBD high school on the Parklands

As previously advised by DPTI, a section 23 report for the new CBD high school on Frome Street is not required as its existing use as an educational establishment will continue.

The O-Bahn project on the Parklands

In relation to the O-Bahn project through the Parklands, prior to the commencement of construction, a corridor of land was transferred from the Adelaide city council to the government for the purposes of the construction of the tunnel and busway. As agreed with council, once constructed the remainder of the land not required for the busway corridor (which is most of the site) was to be transferred back to the care and control of the council for use as parkland. With construction now complete, the work to execute this transfer is underway.

DPTI had previously advised that this transfer may then trigger the requirement for a report under section 23, however after further consideration the advice is that this transfer does not require a report under this section. The portion of land held by the minister on behalf of the state on a temporary basis to facilitate the construction of the tunnel is now returning to Parklands. Although the land has been utilised for more than one use during construction, section 23 is not necessarily triggered when the land is no longer needed for one of those uses.