Legislative Council: Thursday, December 06, 2018


Shop Trading Hours

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (15:07): Just to confirm for the record, you have not confirmed to employers what the penalty would be, and you will also not be out on the day enforcing that workers can work voluntarily on the day?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:07): I'm sorry; I thought we were in furious agreement for a little while but we will have to disagree on that particular issue. I am not confirming that at all. What I am saying is that my understanding is that SafeWork SA have advised on the website what the law is, and the law clearly makes it clear what the penalty is. I have not gone out and spoken to dozens, hundreds, thousands, or many employers, saying to them, 'Look out, there is $100,000 penalty in this particular area.'

I have said publicly here to the many hundreds and thousands of people tuning in to the live stream, or whatever it is on the website of the Legislative Council today, that I have made it quite clear to all of those employers, 'Look out, there is a potential maximum penalty of $100,000.' If I am asked by the media, I will be happy to clearly enunciate that again. It is not as if I am hiding from it. I am quite open in relation to my understanding of the law, and I am happy to have answered the honourable member's question today.

The PRESIDENT: I think we have dealt with supplementaries enough, the Hon. Mr Hunter. The Hon. Mr Wortley is keen to have his question, and I am keen on the last day for the Hon. Mr Wortley to have a question.

The Hon. I.K. Hunter: It's an important supplementary, sir.

The PRESIDENT: No, the Hon. Mr Hunter, I am sorry to deny you. The Hon. Mr Wortley.

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: Thank you, Mr President. I was quite happy for the honourable member here to have a question.

The PRESIDENT: Well, you are a former President.