Legislative Council: Thursday, October 18, 2018


Personal Explanation

Darley, Hon. J.A.

The Hon. C. BONAROS (16:58): I seek leave to make a personal explanation.

Leave granted.

The Hon. C. BONAROS: In light of the comments just made in this place by Mr Darley, I have sought leave to make a personal statement. Can I just say that I am both shocked and utterly dismayed and disgusted at the vile, untrue and outrageous allegations that Mr Darley has just levelled at me. Any suggestion that I would be involved in elder abuse, or indeed abuse of any sort, sickens me to the stomach, to the absolute core, and can only be politically motivated and self-motivated. The fact that Mr Darley has chosen to hide behind parliamentary privilege to make these gutless and untrue claims is proof enough of that.

For the record, I categorically deny every allegation that he has just levelled against me. That said, given the nature of the allegations, I will seek to have this matter referred to the Privileges Committee.

What I will say in the meantime is this: Mr Darley can try as hard as he might to humiliate me, publicly defame me and attempt to bring me down, under the cover of parliamentary privilege or otherwise. It will not deter me from my duty to this chamber and the work that I will undertake during my term in this place for the benefit of those people who elected me to this place.

I also seek the indulgence of the chamber to make a further personal explanation next week, Mr President, after I have had an opportunity to thoroughly review the disgusting and sickening and vile and utterly false allegations that Mr Darley has chosen to level at me.