Legislative Council: Thursday, October 18, 2018


Kangaroo Island

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:25): Supplementary: considering this service to Kangaroo Island provides $123 million in tourism and around 700 jobs, don't you think that it is a responsibility of your portfolio?

The PRESIDENT: Minister, it does arise out of your original answer.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:25): I'm not quite sure what the question is. I'm not sure that the KI Connect service provides all of the support for the Kangaroo Island tourism industry. I am concerned when that ferry is not running or the SeaLink ferry is not running, because it is a vital connection. The Hon. Mr Pangallo proposed some weeks ago a bridge to Kangaroo Island, which looked fabulous on the front of The Advertiser, I must admit, but it would be somewhat expensive. I'm not sure the Treasurer would be interested in funding that.

The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Completely uninterested.

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: I know that nobody ever wants toll roads, and I'm not sure the people of Kangaroo Island would see a toll on a multibillion-dollar bridge as a way to boost their economy. I am concerned when the ferries don't run, but those dredging and operational things are very much a matter of concern for the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government. As I said to the honourable member, I am happy to refer that question to him around dredging and any other matters and bring back a reply.