Legislative Council: Thursday, October 18, 2018


South Australian Tourism Commission

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (14:38): This is a supplementary to the minister. Could the minister come back to the Legislative Council with an answer to this question: whatever became of the Indian trade office announced by former premier Mike Rann, I think back in 2007 or 2011, which suddenly disappeared off the radar?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (14:38): I thank the honourable member. I could spend another 10 minutes talking about that era in state politics but I could mislead parliament because I might not be in control of all of the facts. I do remember being on the Budget and Finance Committee with the now Leader of the Government here where there was an Indian guy that we exposed, I think, for probably taking more money from the taxpayers, Mr Pangallo, than he actually delivered. I will ask for some details around the history of the Indian trade office that was announced by the Hon. Mike Rann when he was premier and bring back some details, if I'm able to. They may be a bit sketchy. They may have been lost deep in the archives. I will also see if I can bring back some information on the whole India office.