Legislative Council: Thursday, June 21, 2018


Disability Inclusion

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:57): Thank you, sir, for the call. My question is to the Minister for Human Services. Can the minister please advise the chamber the next steps in implementing the disability inclusion legislation?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:57): I thank the honourable member for her question and I thank all honourable members in this place and the other place for supporting this very important piece of legislation. The Disability Inclusion Bill was introduced on 9 May and was passed by both houses on 6 June, in advance of one of our election commitments to introduce the bill and have it passed. It received assent on 14 June 2018, with the intention to bring it into operation on 1 July 2018, to commit its administration to myself as Minister for Human Services.

I am delighted that it was the first piece of legislation to pass this parliament, as such an important part of the inclusion and access agenda for people with disabilities. I acknowledge the work that was done by the previous government, in particular Ms Katrine Hildyard, who had it introduced into this place where it unfortunately was not able to be passed.

I also acknowledge the input of the Hon. Kelly Vincent and Dr David Caudrey as very important and influential people within the disability community. I was very pleased to see yourself, Mr President, on social media, looking resplendent on your passage to Government House to ensure that this important first bill passed by the new parliament received royal assent.

The Disability Inclusion Act 2018 contains a number of head powers to enable regulations to be drafted, and drafting instructions are currently being prepared to ensure that the disability access and inclusion plans are put in place by state authorities, including local councils. It is proposed that a targeted consultation of state authorities regarding the regulations will occur. The regulation drafting may take up to some six weeks to complete.

The act requires that there be a state disability inclusion plan that allows for guidelines to be published in relation to the preparation and contents of disability action and inclusion plans, which is in the early stages of development and will be completed following finalisation of regulations. Extensive statewide consultation will then occur with all interested parties, especially with people with disabilities and their families. Local councils will not be expected to produce their first disability action inclusion plans before the end of 2019.

A range of information is currently being developed to inform key stakeholders of the passage of the bill, now an act, and its purposes, which will include people with disability, government, councils and statutory authorities. Local government and state authorities that are required to produce disability action inclusion plans will be provided with support, guidelines and information. Updates will be made available through a newsletter from the Department of Human Services.

I look forward to everyone's participation in this very important process as we prepare the journey for the next stage for people with disabilities and their families to ensure that they have access to full citizenship in their lives in South Australia.