Legislative Council: Thursday, June 21, 2018


Career Employment Services Funding

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (14:27): I seek leave to make a belief explanation before asking a question of the Treasurer regarding Northern Futures.

Leave granted.

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN: During question time in the other place yesterday, the Minister for Industry and Skills, the Hon. David Pisoni, was asked about funding cuts to career employment services, such as Northern Futures and Career Partners Plus, which were a result of the Treasurer's review of government-funded programs. The minister in that place stated:

The facts are that there is plenty of funding for career employment services like Northern Futures. Go back to the federal budget. There is $300 million—

Investigations reveal that the Australian government tender website shows there are no relevant tenders open, and indeed the latest one closed back in May, well before the Marshall Liberal government notified these groups that their funding was being cut.

The CEO of Northern Futures has confirmed that there is no federal government funding available to their organisation. As none of the $300 million mentioned is available for career services, will the Treasurer advise the council where these organisations can access funds to support people looking for work and, if the answer is nowhere, will he reinstate the $1.9 million to support vulnerable South Australians?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:28): I will answer the last question first: no. If a decision has been taken by the Minister for Industry and Skills to not continue with funding in relation to a particular program, I will not be taking action to reverse a decision of one of my ministerial colleagues.

The Hon. C.M. Scriven: It's the Treasurer's review of government-funded programs.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: You asked me a question as to whether I would reverse a decision and reinstitute funding—I have just given you an answer: the answer is no.

As I said, it is not going to be my role to reverse a decision a ministerial colleague has taken in terms of managing his or her departmental budget. In relation to the first aspects of the question on federal tenders, federal funding and those sort of issues, I will need to take advice from my ministerial colleague.