Legislative Council: Thursday, May 31, 2018


Volunteering SA&NT

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (14:53): I believe the minister, on her feet, mentioned the chief executive officer of Volunteering SA&NT—I think Ms Evelyn O'Loughlin was the name she used—representing the peak body for the sector. When did the minister meet with the CEO in a formal capacity as opposed to a quick chat over a snag at a barbeque?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:53): I can look at my diary to see when I last met with Ms O'Loughlin, but I just received a text from her about some other matters that we have been communicating about. I also rang her earlier this week.

There are a number of stakeholders I meet with on a regular basis, and if there are matters they need to discuss with me on a short-term basis I always offer them my mobile phone number and say, 'Just ring me if you need anything.' It saves the administrative process of setting up a whole range of times and meetings. It is my intention to have further meetings with Ms O'Loughlin, but she is always able to ring me at any time, as she does—in fact, she texted me while I was in question time.