Legislative Council: Thursday, May 31, 2018


National Volunteer Week

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:48): My question is to the Minister for Human Services about National Volunteer Week. Can the minister update the chamber about the important work and contributions by so many volunteers across South Australia?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:48): I thank the honourable member for her important question and note her strong association with a number of community organisations which have a large number of volunteers. I know that her work in this space is greatly admired, including by me.

National Volunteer Week was from 21 to 27 May. It is a Volunteering Australia initiative which aims to provide an opportunity for volunteer-involving organisations to promote, celebrate and thank volunteers across Australia. The theme for 2018 was 'Give a little. Change a lot.' It represents the millions of volunteers nationally who make a profound impact in their communities and on society through giving a little bit of time to help others.

To mark National Volunteer Week in South Australia, a volunteer parade is organised every year from the Torrens Parade Ground to Victoria Square to launch the official proceedings. Some 68 per cent of South Australians over the age of 15—or 922,000 people—are engaged in some form of volunteering. It is estimated that South Australians contribute 1.7 million hours of unpaid work each year, with the value of that unpaid labour estimated at almost $5 billion. The South Australian government values this enormous contribution volunteers make, and continues its strong support for volunteering across the state.

This year, the volunteer parade was held on Monday 21 May. Our esteemed Governor was there to welcome everyone and to participate in the events. We were also joined by the Rt Hon. Lord Mayor of Adelaide Martin Haese. The member for Hurtle Vale Nat Cook was there, as was the member for Reynell Ms Katrine Hildyard, as well as a number of office-bearers and Ms Evelyn O'Loughlin from Volunteering SA.

A huge range of volunteers operate in South Australia and the parade was representative of that. There was a group from the Community Visitors Scheme, there were local councils, Adelaide University has a quite extensive volunteer program, there were some of the emergency services, and, of course, Lions and Rotary were performing the very important role of cooking the barbecue. It was a great opportunity to acknowledge the work of volunteers across South Australia and to share in the celebrations.

On the evening of 21 May, I was privileged to attend two events. One was hosted by Zoos SA to thank their some 450 volunteers across their two sites at Monarto and Adelaide. Those volunteers are absolutely integral to the operation of zoos in South Australia and play a whole range of roles, and we were able to present certificates to a number of people there. Holiday Explorers was another event I attended that evening. They provide services to people with intellectual disabilities, taking them on trips and holidays and so forth, and are really part of the inclusion agenda which enables people with disabilities to participate in activities of their choice.

The following day, Calvary Hospital held an event to thank the some 240 volunteers who operate across a range of their sites, and in the evening of 22 May it was Hutt Street, which is, of course, well-known to a number of members of this chamber. It has some 680 volunteers, and we were able to thank a number of them and present them with certificates.

There is a range of events that I am sure a number of members would be involved in. Personally, I will be doing my little bit this weekend at the toy library. Our toy library nearly closed last year due to lack of members to be on the volunteer committee and be part of the roster system. We put a call out on Facebook and we have been able to save the Adelaide Hills Community Toy Library, and I look forward to doing my little bit with my little bloke this weekend. I encourage everyone to thank volunteers in the appropriate way during this important time.