Legislative Council: Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Answers to Questions

Northern Adelaide Food Park

In reply to the Hon. R.I. LUCAS (2 November 2016).

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change): The Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has provided the following advice:

The next stage of the Northern Adelaide Food Park is underway, with $7 million funding available to attract food and beverage processors, manufacturers, packaging and logistics businesses looking to locate at the new industry hub to create jobs, increase exports, and stimulate economic growth.

There are currently four well-known and reputable South Australian companies who are in negotiation to sign on as tenants of the Food Park.

The $7 million Food Park Business Attraction Fund is now available to help businesses looking to relocate to an innovative, smart and central food manufacturing area.

Existing food and beverage businesses located at the Food Park site in Edinburgh Parks, as well as international and interstate businesses looking to relocate to South Australia, may also be eligible to apply to the state government’s $200 million Future Jobs Fund.

During this implementation phase, both new direct and indirect jobs are expected to be created through:

Construction activities;

Growth of local food manufacturing businesses; and

Attraction of new interstate and overseas businesses.