Legislative Council: Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatient Medical Imaging

The Hon. S.G. WADE (15:02): Supplementary: I ask the minister how it can be commercial-in-confidence when he is talking about his own employees delivering the service.

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (15:03): Again, I refer the honourable member to my ministerial statement, which went into substantial detail regarding the advice. I am acting on the advice that is available to me. I am not in a position to publicly disclose the exact terms of the agreement. Needless to say, it is one that we believe best reflects an outcome that the South Australian taxpayer would be satisfied with, but more importantly it represents an outcome that patients who will be beneficiaries of these new, expanded services and facilities will be grateful for for many years to come.