Legislative Council: Tuesday, October 17, 2017


SA Water

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (15:32): Supplementary question: will the minister answer the question I asked him, and that is: what is his position in relation to the Allwater contract, and given the position on the E&WS is it the Weatherill government's position that they will take the first available opportunity to finalise that contract and bring it into an E&WS department?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (15:32): The honourable member would like me to concentrate on that question so I don't concentrate on the question that everybody wants to know: how can you trust the Liberal Party with key public assets like SA Water when you see what they did to ETSA? How can you trust the Liberal Party on anything they say when it comes to privatisation, with their track record?

That is the problem they are going to have to bear, and that man over there, the Hon. Rob Lucas, was key and responsible for the sale of ETSA, along with the Hon. Robert Brokenshire, who was in the government at the time. They both broke their solemn promise to South Australians, and now they come, out from an election, and say to the population of South Australia once again, 'Trust us this time; we won't do to SA Water what we did to ETSA.' It is highly unlikely that South Australians will give them a second's notice.