Legislative Council: Wednesday, December 07, 2016


South Australian Economy

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Leader of the Opposition) (14:20): A supplementary question: why does the minister blame the federal government when all other states in the nation have had the same federal government, whether it has been Liberal, Labor or Liberal, in the last 15 years?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (14:20): I thank the honourable member for his question, and if he took his blinkers off he would probably see a lot of criticism coming from a lot of state governments towards the federal government on a whole range of areas. The Liberal government in New South Wales has been scathing of the federal government in terms of the billions and billions of dollars ripped out of health and education. So, I thank the honourable member for his supplementary question, and I thank him greatly for reminding us all how much state governments right around this country have been scathing of the federal Liberal administration that has let down state after state after state.

The Hon. D.W. Ridgway interjecting: