Legislative Council: Wednesday, December 07, 2016


Taylor, Mr C.

The Hon. A.L. McLACHLAN (15:06): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Police a question regarding Conan Taylor, the escapee.

Leave granted.

The Hon. A.L. McLACHLAN: Last Thursday 1 December, Mr Taylor fled the police after allegedly holding a gun to a SAPOL officer. On Saturday, he posted a picture of the Clare Hotel on Facebook and, according to an article in The Advertiser, posted other pictures of hotels and places where he may or may not have stayed. Can the minister advise the chamber: is Mr Taylor still at large, and what actions are being taken by SAPOL if he is?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:07): I do not recall seeing any specific advice from SAPOL that indicates that the gentleman the Hon. Mr McLachlan is referring to is no longer at large. That said, I have a number of files that I am working through. As we speak, my mind has been preoccupied for the last 24 hours, so it is possible that the offender who the Hon. Mr McLachlan is referring to has been taken into custody recently and I have not had a chance to avail myself of the information, but I am more than happy to get that information rather quickly post question time and share that information directly with Mr McLachlan so he is suitably aware.