Legislative Council: Wednesday, December 07, 2016


Music Development Office

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (15:46): Following on from my last matter of interest speech, when time would not allow me to cover all the achievements of the Music Development Office, I would like to mention the collaboration between the MDO and the Local Government Association that will support local councils to develop live music policies and action plans. This includes an online resource page to support the 68 member councils, paving the way for a consistent and easy-to-understand approach to developing their own strategies—a most important collaboration—so that we afford some protection and certainty for the music industry going forward, given the pressure that live music venues are under from developers in the city entertainment district (CED).

This, in turn, opens doors to regional live music development opportunities in partnership with Regional Development Australia boards in South Australia and key industry stakeholders. Umbrella Winter City Sounds, funded by the MDO and delivered by MusicSA, saw Adelaide lit up with music events during the usually sombre cold months. It generated attendance figures upwards of 40,000, direct ticket sales to the value of $340,000, activation of 60 venues and mentoring opportunities for 15 event managers, who handled 260 live music shows.

St Paul's Creative Centre goes from strength to strength, launching a business development series comprising monthly workshops on themes like entrepreneurial ecosystem and tax and business structure. Tenants at St Paul's have access to a minimum of two networking events each month, highlighting the recent activities of featured members, as well as to 'meet the mentors' sessions. After receiving Gig City status, the St Paul's community have embraced the initiative wholeheartedly with tenants Made in Katana, who recently employed five new staff and secured a contract for global works with music streaming service Spotify, stating:

This highlights exactly the reason we choose to operate our digital agency in Adelaide. This is the first time we have seen [government] action that represents a tangible difference to not just our business, but to the entire state.

Makers Empire, also situated within the St Paul's Creative Centre, was recognised nationally for its National Innovation and Science Agenda. From humble beginnings, this business secured a new contract with the Department for Education and Child Development for rollout of its software into 50 schools.

The Brumley Project and the House of Songs is an international collaborative songwriting project between Adelaide and sister city Austin, Texas, which was initiated by the MDO. The artists performed throughout the United States, including Nashville, as part of the prestigious Americana festival and were documented by Adelaide film company Closer Productions. The project further strengthens sister city ties and builds upon Adelaide's international standing as part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

The MDO is initiating a collaborative music sector strategy for the South Australian music industry, aiming to encourage greater collaboration between businesses and industry agencies and ensure that governmental support is aligned with industry needs. This initiative has the potential to share and explore and expand on future opportunities for the music industry.

I would like to congratulate Matt Swayne on his appointment earlier this year to the Chair of the Music Industry Council. The MIC was established to be a unified voice for the South Australian music industry focusing on the issues, opportunities and development of South Australian music with stakeholders and government bodies. The South Australian music industry has already begun reaping the benefits of the MIC, with changes to entertainment consent rules, variations to the National Construction Code and the establishment of the Live Music Regulation Roundtable. These amendments have decreased the red tape and barriers surrounding live music and increased government involvement in future planning, allowing live music to be more accessible for all.

I would also like to congratulate Electric Dreams on their APRA AMCOS Emily Burrows Award, announced last night at the award-winning Grace Emily Hotel. Finally, I would like to commend the MDO for their involvement in and funding of FRUSIC, the Adelaide Fringe's inaugural music program. This highly successful program included 221 music events, 662 individual performances, 45 free music events and 138 venues. This addition of music to the 2016 Fringe was a standout and testament to the MDO and all those involved in creating, expanding and committing important resources to the future of music in South Australia.