Legislative Council: Thursday, May 26, 2016



In reply to the Hon. J.S. LEE (18 November 2015).

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change):

Since the Auditor-General's audit was conducted, there have been further updates to student fee rules in the Student Information System (SIS), including:

checks of the final fees uploaded into SIS

retaining of e-mail records and other documentation as evidence that checks were completed successfully

the commencement of a project to implement process and control improvements aiming to address the audit recommendations

Through its own audits of student accounts within SIS, TAFE SA has not been able to replicate the same issues as those raised in the Auditor-General's report. On this basis, TAFE SA does not believe that the issues raised are widespread within the system.

Nonetheless, TAFE SA is focused on continuous improvement of its systems and policies and a reporting process is being implemented where fee exemptions are reviewed on a regular basis. TAFE SA is committed to delivering quality vocational education in a competitive environment by continually:

exploring ways to continually improve both educational delivery and administrative systems and processes to ensure the organisation is operating more efficiently where possible

maximising business opportunities and identifying strategies to drive revenue.