Legislative Council: Thursday, May 19, 2016


Home Detention

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (15:04): The minister may feel he has already covered this, but in the event where somebody was incarcerated again for breaching their conditions, what might happen upon their release after that additional incarceration? Would they have to comply with any special conditions given that they had already been known to breach previous conditions?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:05): I thank the honourable member for her supplementary question because it is a good one. If I were to attempt to answer the question with one word it would be yes. Special conditions can be put in place, but of course they are conditions that are to be determined by, I am advised, the relevant body, so indeed it could be the court or the Parole Board.

There are a number of options that are available to organisations in those instances. They can increase the level of supervision; there are a number of levels that can be determined. Those are decisions that rest with the Parole Board or the court, as is appropriate, depending on the type of home sentencing or whatever they were on in the first place.