Legislative Council: Thursday, May 19, 2016


Prisoner Support and Treatment

The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (14:49): Supplementary: is the minister able to elaborate on generally how the release plan process would go? He said that it varies from time to time, but is he able to give a general outline of how that plan would usually come to be?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:49): I can answer that by saying that I have received advice generally that normally a pre-release plan is put in place in conjunction with the department, and sometimes people who work within the Department for Correctional Services who perform roles engaging prisoners and putting these plans in place.

With regard to a specific process, again, I am probably inclined to take it on notice but, as I understand it and as I have been advised in the past, release plans are put together in conjunction with an offender and a DCS employee. There will be a range of people who will contribute to that plan. There will be a range of variables that has to be taken into account in putting together a plan: parole conditions, access to home, family connections and access to additional services that not-for-profits may be able to provide. But in terms of a more thorough response, in terms of how that plan is developed and precisely who does it and when it starts I am happy to take on notice and come back to the honourable member.