Legislative Council: Thursday, March 24, 2016


Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment

The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE (15:16): I have a supplementary question. On notice, or now, can the minister advise the house of the numbers of CFS and SES volunteers in the last two financial years to date?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:17): I am in a position to be able to provide some statistics which I think answer the honourable member's question. As of 1 July last year, the CFS had 14,004 volunteers; of those, 10,848 were firefighters, 2,326 were operational support and 830 cadets. I will just repeat: I am advised that there were 14,004 volunteers in the CFS as at 1 July. With respect to the SES, I am advised that there were 1,638 volunteers, and that is a more recent figure, as at 4 February 2016.