Legislative Council: Thursday, March 24, 2016


Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment

The Hon. T.T. NGO (15:13): I have a question for the Minister for Emergency Services. Minister, motherhood statements are always easy when you are in the opposition, but can you tell the council what the government is doing in terms of driving emergency services volunteer recruitment?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (15:13): A good question and good preamble. I wholeheartedly agree with the honourable member. First of all, I think it is safe to say that all members in this house recognise the extraordinary work that volunteers do. I think all members across all parties are very grateful for all the hard work that people who volunteer in our emergency services conduct on behalf of their fellow community members across our great state.

We certainly do not have to look very far back to recall the stellar work of our CFS and SES volunteers in recent examples such as the Sampson Flat and Pinery fires. It is undoubtedly a strong volunteer force and one that we hope to continue to strengthen by bringing new recruits to an even larger service. As such, I am pleased to inform members that the government will be recommencing targeted volunteer recruitment and retention commercials, both on regional television and online.

The target for this recruitment drive is people who have not traditionally volunteered for the CFS or SES in the past. This includes young people, women, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Not only centred on front-line operational roles, this campaign aims to raise the profile of emergency services volunteering and directs people to the 1300 Volunteer Now phone number.

In meeting the challenge to create a more diverse emergency services volunteer force, and in response to the recommendation provided in the Holloway review into the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, we are not only reflecting upon the rich tapestry that weaves our modern-day society but we are also recognising the direct benefits this aim brings with it. This is not just about diversity for its own sake. Throughout the world, diversity brings the benefit of fresh perspectives, new knowledge, the strengthening of communities and increased productivity—benefits I am sure we all welcome across the sector.

These advertisements, four for the CFS and three for the SES, originally aired in September last year, and I am pleased to be advised that they will be running again in April and June this year, ahead of this year's bushfire season. I call on all members to support the government's efforts to increase volunteer participation in this state. As such, I also encourage members to help spread the word to their constituents by directing them to the CFS and SES YouTube and Facebook pages, or the 1300 Volunteer Now telephone number, which is 1300 364 587.