Legislative Council: Thursday, March 24, 2016


South Australia Police

The Hon. J.S. LEE (14:50): I have a supplementary arising out of the minister's answer. Can the minister confirm that he thinks the SAPOL website, with the statistical reporting about increased offences over the last 12 months, is incorrect? Does he agree that the SAPOL website is incorrect? Does he agree that the ABS analysis reports, saying that acts intended to cause injury are up 24 per cent and that sexual assault is up 20 per cent, are incorrect?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:51): I stand by, absolutely, what I stated earlier, and what I stated earlier (if the honourable member had heard) is that under this government's watch victim-reported crime, according to the ABS, dropped by approximately 40 per cent. I repeat: I am advised that under this government's watch victim-reported crime has dropped by more than 40 per cent. That is an outstanding result. I think SAPOL should be commended for those efforts and I think this government should be commended for those efforts, and I think the community, more broadly, would be very proud of those efforts. It is a record we stand by.