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Purchase Card Expenditure
In reply to the Hon. J.S. LEE (17 November 2015).
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Science and Information Economy):
As of 1 December 2015, the former Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills had been advised that the Auditor-General's Department identified 183 instances of noncompliance by 25 cardholders with a total value of $14,565.
There are currently 452 purchase cards held by DSD staff, including Arts SA.
In accordance with DSD policy, consequences for the inappropriate use of purchase cards depend on the severity of the transgression, the officer's intent and any special circumstances. Consequences can include but are not limited to:
Restriction of purchase card limits;
Repaying DSD for the cost of the item;
Returning the item to the vendor;
Cancellation of the purchase card; and
Legal proceedings being taken by DSD against the offending cardholder
The noncompliance was primarily related to the use of multiple procedures across DSD, during the formation of the department. This has now been addressed through harmonisation of policies and procedures and the consolidation of the purchase card system.
DSD continues to review compliance by card holders and educate staff on appropriate use.
As the transactions identified by the Auditor-General's Department were minor and mainly related to transitional issues, the recovery of funds has not been sought from the purchase card holders.