Legislative Council: Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Police Stations

The Hon. S.G. WADE (14:44): I have a question for the Minister for Police. Given that half of the satellite police stations that were closed last year were, according to former commissioner Burns, opened as matters of government policy, why does this government see the good news of opening a police station as a matter for the government, the minister and their political party, and the bad news of closing a police station as an operational matter for the commissioner?

The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:44): Again, I thank the honourable member for the opportunity to be able to talk about this government's good work when it comes to increasing the resources available to SAPOL.

This government, throughout its life, ever since 2002, has been substantially increasing the police budget. We now have a police budget in South Australia for SAPOL that is in excess of $800 million. Over the life of this government that means that this Labor government has been increasing the police budget in the order of 9 per cent per annum. It is a record that we are proud of. It provides SAPOL the capacity to be able to provide additional resources on the ground, including, for instance, the Henley Beach Police Station, which I note the opposition has paid a fair bit of attention to over recent weeks.

Let me inform the house of some important pieces of information when it comes to Henley Beach Police Station. Prior to the additional resources being made available to SAPOL to update Henley Beach Police Station, it had the capacity to operate around 40 patrols. That capacity, I am advised, is being increased up to 100. That is a classic example of the police commissioner taking the additional resources available to him, through the provision and commitment of this government, and using them in a way to deliver an outcome that is beneficial to the people of the state.

I think it is entirely appropriate that the government seeks to highlight the fact that we are improving and increasing the resources available to SAPOL in order to enhance community safety, including areas like Henley Beach. I admire and commend the work of committed local members like the member for Colton in another place, who has been tireless in advocating for additional resources to be available in his local electorate, and we are very proud of our government's record when it comes to increasing the resources available to SAPOL.