Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Skills for All

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (14:24): I have a supplementary question arising out of the answer. Given that I have been advised that the deed of settlement in terms of repayment of funds is between the minister herself and the RTO, is the minister indicating to this house that she is yet to sign one of those deeds of settlement?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:25): Mr President, I have responded to this question. It is a detailed matter, and what I am going to do is—

The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Have you signed a deed of settlement?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO: I said that I don't have the details of these matters with me today. I have agreed to take them on notice and to bring back a comprehensive response to the house as soon as possible.