Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Hospitality Group Training

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:32): I have a supplementary question. Can the minister outline what representations HGT has made to her in relation to contributing factors to its collapse, and can she confirm whether this includes bridging units and the structure of Skills for All?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:33): As I indicated, we have met and discussed with HGT, on a number of occasions, matters relating to their business. I am not prepared to give details of those; they are matters that go to the business of HGT and some of them are fairly commercially sensitive. It would be most improper of me to discuss the business matters of HGT. That is a matter for them to discuss. I advise the Hon. Michelle Lensink to direct those specific questions to them.

We did meet with them on a number of occasions to work through issues that they had identified. As I said, we tried to assist in relation to diversifying or broadening their training scope, and a number of other matters as well. Clearly, those measures have not been enough to turn this around. It is most unfortunate as they are an excellent training provider and a GTO, and it is very sad to see them moving into administration. However, I think it is important to remind honourable members that being in administration does not necessarily mean that long term business operation has not been determined. It is really important that we don't do anything to undermine their potential to eventually work their way through this. I remind honourable members that this is only one step and long-term business outcomes have clearly not yet been determined.