Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Ministerial Statement

Climate Change

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (15:45): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: South Australia is already a global leader on climate change action but, with 2014 as the second hottest year on record globally, the stakes are simply too high for us to rest on our achievements; we must continue to act. By adding the climate change portfolio to my ministerial responsibilities, announcing our intention to become the world's first carbon neutral city, the Premier is sending a strong message that he intends to elevate our leadership in fighting climate change. This is necessary because there are still too many people who either choose to ignore the compelling scientific evidence or simply stay silent on the matter.

The federal government's refusal to take decisive action on climate change, and their insistence on winding back existing policies in this vital area, means that action at the state level is more important today than ever before. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy is essential if we are to safeguard our environment and our way of life. It also offers a significant opportunity for economic development in South Australia, particularly in advanced manufacturing.

As Minister for Climate Change, I will drive policy change across government to continue our transition to a low-carbon economy and to turn the Adelaide CBD into a carbon neutral 'green zone'. I will ensure that South Australia continues to implement adaptation and mitigation measures against climate change and to capitalise on opportunities for growth in green industries. I will continue to work with my state counterparts to identify ways we can collaborate and to support state level action on climate change and participation in the international arena through the Climate Group's States and Regions Alliance. The development of the state's climate change strategy this year is our opportunity to join with the community and business sector to articulate a plan to achieve a low-carbon future, including becoming the world's first carbon neutral city.

We all have an obligation to protect the health of our planet for future generations, and I invite all members of this chamber to join with us in this plan.