Legislative Council: Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Entrepreneurs Week

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (16:38): My question is the Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation. Will the minister inform the chamber about the inaugural Entrepreneurs' Week and some of the exciting events that were held?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation) (16:38): I thank the honourable member for his question and acknowledge his ongoing interest in this area. At the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance 2014 Summit, Adelaide was identified as the Australian benchmark for the coordinated support of entrepreneurship.

Following this, a working group was formed to aid the coordination of entrepreneurial activity across government, Greater Adelaide, and the State of South Australia. This group was assisted to initiate, facilitate and coordinate Entrepreneurs Week 2015 right here in Adelaide.

The inaugural Entrepreneurs Week was held between 2 and 5 February, and this exciting week was packed with a wide range of events highlighting not only the rich and diverse opportunities that Adelaide offers but the unique support programs available and many success stories from Adelaide's start-up community. Over the course of the week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend a number of these events. In fact, on my first day as minister I spoke at the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Great Places to Create Business forum.

This forum brought together entrepreneurs, business leaders, service providers, policy makers and representatives of industry and development agencies, with attendees contributing their own rich experience through exploring the question, 'How do we create vibrant places that stimulate innovation?' and for the participants to learn from each other more about how to influence the effectiveness of South Australia's unique entrepreneurial ecosystem. This event was well attended and provided an excellent insight into the passion for creativity and innovation that moulds the ecosystem here in South Australia, and I look forward to looking at the findings that come from the forum in the near future.

I also had the opportunity to attend and speak at the Brand South Australia's Around Our State Tour and Industry Briefing—Creating Pathways for Entrepreneurs, opening at the Advertiser Building later in the week. The event provided insights into South Australia's industries, and many Brand SA members and local and interstate journalists were in attendance.

The state tour followed the path of an entrepreneur, from as early as a year 10 student studying in Adelaide, looking at formal education, through to some of the great initiatives available in South Australia, co-working spaces, opportunities for the commercialisation of an idea, and business growth programs available to business and, in particular, start-ups in South Australia. Achieving growth through innovation is an ongoing priority for this government and, through innovation and creativity businesses in SA, we are maximising the competitive advantage we have against interstate and overseas.

Entrepreneurs Week was a tremendous success and a testament to the entrepreneurial culture developing in our state. I hope it will become an annual fixture for Adelaide in the future. I know through our ongoing support for innovation and start-up ventures we will continue to develop the appetite for doing business in South Australia.