House of Assembly: Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Nicol, Ms M.J.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta) (15:36): Today I would like to draw to the attention of the house the life of the wonderful Margaret Jean Nicol. Margaret was born on 24 July 1943 and sadly passed away on 31 January this year, aged 81 years. She was a proud member of the local community in Athelstone, Morialta and Campbelltown in South Australia.

We were in attendance at Darroch House last week for her funeral service. It was well attended by friends and family and so many people she had worked with across the community. That included her friends at Soroptimists; her friends through Kiwanis, in particular the Athelstone Kiwanis Club; her friends; and people who respected her and remembered her fondly from local government.

She served the community for a decade on the Campbelltown council. I saw former Mayor Max Amber and former Campbelltown councillors, including Neville Grigg and indeed former Campbelltown councillor and current Tea Tree Gully Mayor Marijka Ryan and others.

Margaret had an interest in politics beyond her local community and a focus on supporting people who she considered were adding to the community in all sorts of ways. That was reflected not only, I trust, in my attendance but also through that of former member for Norwood Vini Ciccarello and former member of the Legislative Council Carmel Zollo.

On Monday I was with Cavaliere John Di Fede on Radio Italiana cinque centotrentuno. He was reflecting, as a former colleague of hers on the Campbelltown council, his own disappointment that he missed the funeral, but we were able to share with listeners of Radio Italiana some of those experiences, and so many of their listeners of course were her constituents, representing the Gorge ward in Campbelltown council.

I first met Margaret 25 years ago and got to know her well over the last 15 years. She became a family friend. She and my mum, Veronica, would attend meetings together and they would occasionally attend concerts together. Margaret was an avid supporter of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and enjoyed public engagements. She was a regular at quiz nights. She would always have somebody new to introduce you to or some engaging, interesting story to tell. She had a contribution to make, invariably.

At the funeral, the family, in their presentation, had a note, which I would like to share with the house: 'Margaret will be remembered for her unashamed curiosity, her unstoppable nattering, her unrestrained love of colour, her unsurpassed care for others, her unrelenting addiction to experience and unwavering passion to include. She was the loving wife of Stuart, who passed away a little over a decade ago, the beloved mother of Alasdair and Graham, the loved Auntie of Melanie, Deborah and Phil.'

I knew Margaret fairly well. I had not, however, seen her very much over the last year or two, and for that I am sorry. I am absolutely going to miss her, as will so many from our community, but not in any way in comparison to how much her family will miss her. My thoughts are with them, and I am sure the thoughts of the house are with all the members of her family. We offer our condolences and respect. Vale Margaret Nicol.