House of Assembly: Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Programs for Young People

Ms CLANCY (Elder) (14:59): My question is to the Minister for Child Protection.

Members interjecting:

Ms CLANCY: You're going to be okay. How is the government strengthening programs and opportunities for young people?

The Hon. K.A. HILDYARD (Reynell—Minister for Child Protection, Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence) (14:59): Thanks very much to the member for her question and her commitment to helping ensure that children in contact with the child protection and family support system are safe, loved, nurtured and afforded the best opportunities to participate in and enjoy community life.

Through partnerships with some outstanding organisations, our government is taking dedicated steps to provide young people in contact with the system with programs and opportunities that provide practical skills, nurture their sense of belonging and self-worth and help them to know that they are not alone and that they deserve every opportunity to participate in community life and to thrive.

Just a few weeks ago, I was really happy to be able to visit Operation Flinders with our outstanding South Australian police commissioner and Chair of the Operation Flinders Foundation, Grant Stevens, CEO David Wark and a very brave and articulate young man to hear about how our government's investment will see 24 more young people just in this school term take part in the Adventure Mentoring program. This opportunity will provide outdoor adventure training and mentoring for young people in contact with the system, helping them to build self-confidence, positive relationships and really valuable life skills.

Each participant receives the support of some extraordinary mentors two to three hours a week for 10 weeks, with activities tailored to the participants' particular interests. The activities that those young people have nominated include kayaking, mountain bike riding, abseiling, hiking, and the list goes on. Since the commencement of this DCP and Operation Flinders partnership in 2024, 70 young people in care have taken part.

I look forward to continuing to hear about the experiences young people involved this year have and how those experiences help them to confidently navigate their journey to adulthood. This investment demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that, no matter their circumstances or starting point, children and young people in contact with the child protection and family support system are given every opportunity to equally and confidently participate in every aspect of life, knowing that they are supported by people there for them.

Participating in and attending sport is another powerful way we are ensuring people in contact with the system take part in South Australian community life. Through a partnership with the Adelaide Crows Foundation's Crows Care program, 500 tickets are being provided to children and young people in care for Adelaide Crows home games this coming season. The initiative provides unforgettable moments for carers and their children and that sense of being part of a great big community family. This partnership is excellent, and I thank the Crows for it.

It sits as part of our broader partnership between DCP, the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing and a range of outstanding state sporting organisations that are each bringing to life the mantra that supporting children who most need us is everybody's business. These programs speak to our dedication to ensuring that children are at the centre of everything we do, that they have opportunities and stability as they grow.

Recently released RoGS data has shown that South Australia leads the nation in terms of creating stability, with 96.2 per cent of children exiting out-of-home care to a permanent arrangement not returning for 12 months and 88.5 per cent of children in care for two years or more residing in one or two placements. This figure is two percentage points higher than the previous year and represents our state's best result in this area.