Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Private Members' Statements
Parliamentary Procedure
APY Art Centre Collective
The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:41): A supplementary, sir: the minister has just advised the house that she has not received any information otherwise. Has the minister received correspondence from the APY Art Collective addressed to the Premier and cc'd to the minister at the beginning of last week identifying that not only had the ACCC concluded their inquiry clearing the APY Art Collective of wrongdoing, but also that the matters relating to ORIC remaining were technical relating to the size of the organisation?
The SPEAKER: I am going to treat that as a separate question because, despite that phrase at the start, it sounded like its own standalone question, even though you did not read from a piece of paper. You have done a very good job, though—you almost had me.
The Hon. A. MICHAELS (Enfield—Minister for Small and Family Business, Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs, Minister for Arts) (14:42): I am happy to answer the question, Mr Speaker. Yes, I have seen that correspondence and request for a meeting, and that is being organised. I have not received any advice, as I said, from ORIC on the status of their investigation.