House of Assembly: Thursday, June 27, 2024


University of South Australia, Magill Campus

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:07): Supplementary to the member for Hartley's excellent question: given what the minister has just said, when does he propose to start consulting with the community in Magill in the member for Hartley's and my electorate?

The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Housing Infrastructure, Minister for Planning) (17:08): I have already had a couple of really positive meetings with the City of Campbelltown and the mayor. I think it is important to talk to local government about the range of strategic sites we have got from Franklin Street to West End, Keswick, Magill, Smithfield and Noarlunga, because this is a government that believes in housing supply and believes in doing really very good projects across the city to accommodate that.

It is also important because the honourable member himself asked me about the future of the childcare centre, so I and the Minister for Education visited the childcare centre. I can't quite remember the date, but I am happy to take that element on notice. I met with the committee there who runs the not-for-profit child care. I gave them an assurance that they would be able to stay on site, would be able to plan for their future, because I think their lease is up relatively soon. We want to give them long-term security. Obviously, we want to answer the matters about heritage, which the member for Morialta has bought up with me, the issues of open space along the creek line, which he has brought up with me, and of course it is a large site. It seemed to me that the sorts of inquiries those opposite wanted answered could best be answered by master planning. I will take careful note of the recommendations that Renewal give me and, of course, I am happy to update the house as we go.